
This transformer is automatically enabled and used once it is installed in your project. Extra configuration options can be set globally under transformers field of gridsome.config.js.

 /* gridsome.config.js */

 export default {
   plugins: [
       use: '@gridsome/source-filesystem',
       options: {
         path: 'path-to-local-images',

Query for local images

  1. Config @gridsome/source-filesystem plugin to fetch local images and map them in GraphQL Data layer under typeName: ImageNode.

      /* gridsome.config.js */
      export default {
        plugins: [
            use: '@gridsome/source-filesystem',
            options: {
              path: 'content/images',
              typeName: 'ImageNode'

    Warning Don't use Image fo typeName because it is reserved by Gridsome.

  2. Then you can query the image details on page component:

    query {
      images: allImageNode {
        edges {
          node {

Manage images with Cloudinary

  1. Add .env file contains the environment variables defined above CLOUDNAME, API_KEY, API_SECRET. Make sure you have this file added to .gitignore file to avoid committing and push it to the remote repo by accident.

    CLOUDNAME = your_cloud_name
    API_KEY = your_api_key
    API_SECRET = your_api_secret_key

    Learn how to get these keys here

  2. Config @gridsome/source-filesystem plugin to fetch local images and map them in GraphQL Data layer under typeName: ImageNode.

      /* gridsome.config.js */
      export default {
        plugins: [
            use: '@gridsome/source-filesystem',
            options: {
              path: 'content/images',
              typeName: 'ImageNode'

    Warning Don't use Image fo typeName because it is reserved by Gridsome.

  3. Add Cloudinary as the loader using transformers.img.loader in gridsome.config.js with required configurations:

    transformers: {
      img: {
        uploadOptions: {
          folder: 'examples',
        loader: {
          type: 'cloudinary',
          cloudName: process.env.CLOUDNAME,
          apiKey: process.env.API_KEY,
          apiSecret: process.env.API_SECRET,
  4. Each of the ImageNode node will now have additional field image. The queried image's info will be fetched directly from Cloudinary if it was uploaded previously. Otherwise it will be uploaded to Cloudinary and returns the info accordingly.
  query {
    images: allImageNode {
      edges {
        node {
          image {
  1. Then you can use g-image to display the queried images according to their securedUrl.
          <li v-for="image in images" :key="image.publicId">
            <g-image :src="image.secureUrl" loading="lazy"/>
  export default {
    computed: {
      images() {
        return this.${ node }) => node)